Meet the Team

The management team of Premier Commercial Real Estate has more than 60 years of combined experience providing Real Estate solutions to our clients locally & across the country. Each member of management is cross-trained in the various disciplines; Office, Industrial, Retail, Land, Medical & Investment Real Estate. This diverse knowledge is required to provide leading, premier service in the commercial real estate industry.

Tom Ferguson
Tom FergusonPresident, Managing Director
Tom has been a CRE Broker & Managing Broker for over 30 years. Tom specializes in investment properties, redevelopment properties, sales & leasing.
Pete Alveal
Pete AlvealPrincipal
Pete serves as the Principal/Partner for Premier. He has over 25 years of CRE experience, with a high-profile client following. His primary scope of service are Tenant & Landlord Representation projects.
Jim Logan
Jim LoganVice President, Operations
Jim’s RE career spans more than 35 years. He brings a wealth of experience in property management, sales, operations & leadership.
Tracey Alexander
Tracey AlexanderProperty Management Director
Tracey has over 25 years experience in industrial RE for a national REIT, property management, office space, residential, preventative maintenance & admin.
Russ Zimmerman
Russ ZimmermanVice President, Industrial Brokerage
Russ has been an industrial broker for 35 years while serving the industrial distribution, land & office market. He currently specializes in truck & trailer
storage throughout the Midwest.
Matthew Ferguson
Matthew FergusonVice President
Matt has extensive experience in various aspects of the commercial real estate industry, including the three
main sectors: industrial, office & retail.
James Gruesser
James GruesserAssociate Broker-Healthcare & Life Sciences
With over 20 years of clinic experience in the healthcare industry, James specializes in Healthcare & Life Sciences Real Estate.
Will Conway
Will ConwaySenior Associate Broker
Will has three years of experience in commercial real estate, focusing on office, industrial, retail, & investment sales.

Kristen Berry
Kristen BerryAssociate Broker
Kristen is a team-focused broker & her focus is in Healthcare & Life Sciences. She is also an AMFP (Association of Medical Facility Professionals) Board Member – IN Chapter.
Sam Garvin
Sam GarvinAssociate Broker
Sam joined the Premier team at the start of 2022. He received a degree in Finance from Purdue University where he was also a member of the football team from ‘17-‘22.
Steve Monnot
Steve MonnotAssociate Broker
With over 15 years of experience in the manufacturing & supply chain industry, Steve specializes in industrial & office real estate.
Sarika Malhotra
Sarika MalhotraAssociate Broker
Sarika Malhotra joined the real estate industry after retiring from a 20-year career in hotel management & hospitality. As a finance director, Sarika worked at all hours of the day & night coordinating & managing hotel staff. Her success in this role made for a seamless transition to real estate
David Hannon
David HannonAssociate Broker
As an Indiana University alumnus, David’s expertise centers on the industrial market in Indianapolis. With a wealth of industry experience, he’s played a pivotal role in nurturing the growth of startup companies. He is genuinely excited about the opportunity to assist local business owners in expanding their footprint within my home state.
Brian Hannon
Brian HannonAssociate Broker
A native of Indianapolis, Brian has returned home to take on the role of head coach for Cathedral Royal Irish rugby while also excelling in commercial real estate with Premier, partnering with his brother David for mutual success. With a commitment to excellence in both sports and business, Brian continues to make a positive impact in his community.
Emma Alveal
Emma AlvealAssistant Property Manager
Lamar Cosby
Lamar CosbyField Maintenance Tech
Lamar has 14 years of maintenance experience with commercial medical, office & retail buildings. He also has fire & life safety skills training, along with OSHA training.
Dallas Green
Dallas GreenField Maintence Tech
Bio coming soon…
Don Padgett
Don PadgettField Maintenance Tech
Bio coming soon…
Katie Scofield
Katie ScofieldCPA | Property Management Accountant
Katie has over 25 years of experience in accounting, with a focus on commercial real estate management & construction.
Jennifer Moon
Jennifer MoonCPA | Property Management Accounting
Bio coming soon…
Stacy Gibbons
Stacy GibbonsCPA | Property Management Accounting
Bio coming soon…
Stephanie Henry
Stephanie HenryOffice Administrator
Stephanie has over two decades of operations & administrative experience. She was also a residential realtor for six years.